When you think of New Year’s resolutions, you don’t often think of anything besides exercise, weight loss, and personal goals. Most people think in short-term goals, rather than establishing a long-term lifestyle shift. Oftentimes these changes can be drastic, and as a result, end up being rather short-lived. It’s time to redefine New Year’s resolutions.…

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There are many things that separate a small business from a large one: number of employees, revenue created, and even things like marketing strategy and growth goals. Another separation is whether you use a bookkeeper or an accountant. Oftentimes, people who are new to business tend to lump bookkeepers and accountants into one category. Although…

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Starting a business is a difficult task. Our whole lives, we’ve been told that starting a company is part of the American dream, it’s something worthwhile, it’s a goal to be proud of. While these sentiments are true, people tend to forget to tell you that you’ll be working 100-hour weeks at first, pouring all…

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